Cape Breton is on the northwestern side of Nova Scotia. They call it Canada's best kept secret and I understand why. The Cabot trail encircles the northwest side of Cape Breton. The Cabot trail winds around the coast and mountains in the north and near Lake Bras d'Or (said Bra-dor) in the south. The lake is a massive salt water lake with very long channels that feed into it. The most famous picture of Cape Breton is the one pictured above.

We came from PEI and boarded a ferry to come over. It landed in Pictou, Nova Scotia and then we drove 4 hours to get to Che'ticamp where we stayed. The ferry was huge and held 250 cars.

The first night we were there, we set up camp in the National Park in Che'ticamp. Che'ticamp is Acadian and they have a thick French accent. What was weird was across the bridge, they sounded Scottish. We also didn't realize it but Che'ticamp also has alot of winds. We had a rain storm with high winds during the night and I thought our tent was going to fly away with us in it. Someone told us in the winter they can have 200 km/hr winds... translated ... that is 120 mph winds. (we have learned to do the conversions well since we've been here) Che'ticamp is on the western side of the island on the Cabot trail. That night, we went out and looked at our surroundings. We saw a bull moose in the swamp near the ocean. We have never seen a bull moose this large and we were able to see him 2 nights in a row.

The next day, we traveled the Cabot trail. We enjoyed the scenery very much. The rugged coastal cliffs that drop right into the ocean were beautiful.

The lake was around Baddeck at the south end of the trail. It is a cute little community and reminds me of Meredith, NH.

On our way back around, we came across another moose (female) that was only 10 feet from the car. Sure wish Ben and Carly could have been with us.

The Cabot trail took us 6 hours to travel with only a few stops. It was well worth the journey... WE LOVED CAPE BRETON!
Now Uncle Tim knows where to take them to see the moose! We would LOVE to see them... and this whole area. It's beautiful!!! Glad you are having such a fun vacation!
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