Friday, March 20, 2009

Obama's comment

President Obama made a comment last night on Jay Leno that his bowling was like the Special Olympics because of the gutter balls. Here is the response I sent to the White House today:

President Obama,I am offended by your comment on Jay Leno about your bowling being like the Special Olympics. I am assuming that your statement was just a slip of the tongue but sometimes what slips out is really what is in a person's heart. My daughter is 16 and mildly retarded. She desperately wants to do the things that other kids her age do but is unable to participate on regular teams. She has to wear a helmet when she plays Special Olympics basketball because she has shunts. She is also a bowler and tries really hard every time she competes. She just wants to be like everyone else. Unfortunately, statements like the one you made perpetuate her feeling that she is abnormal. I am unclear about how many people participate in the Special Olympics but I do know that there are 59 million people (or 1/6 th of the US population) that are disabled. Making those comments even to be funny alienates people. My daughter has a big interest in politics and she will be voting in the next election. PLEASE guard your words. You have been a man of civility and have made a huge impact by your kindness. I would ask that you don't limit your kindness and civility to people who are like you, but to include those who need your help most of all; and who need to be defended because they can't do it for themselves. Parents of those developmentally disabled have given up their own hopes and dreams to make sure that our children are happy, well-adjusted, cared for, and treasured. Comments hurt not only those who are disabled but their families as well. I want to feel like my president cares about each American, no matter where their abilities lie.


Al & Judy Melton said...

Mega Dittos from your parents and our friends the Pelhams from Tampa who are in Jerusalem with us tonight!!! We are so incredibly proud of you girl!!!! way to go! Give our special hugs to Mandy... dad

Al & Judy Melton said...

we just saw a news blurb that the President appologized for his comment and plans to invite some special olympic kids to the white house to bowl and play basket ball... we prayed that the white house would invite Mandy... how cool would that be for her... of course you do realize that if he does, she will vote for him! see what you started! love ya, dad

Tracy said...

You also should have said that Mandy challenges him to a game ... I know she would beat him! I always say what is said as a "joke" often times reveals a person's heart.

Ju said...

He has hurt many families in America. He needs to say he is sorry in the public, not to an organization.

In addition, someone who claims to have experienced prejudice and stereotypes throughout life, and has written about them in great detail,
should be more sensitive and refined from life's lessons.

Furthermore, Obama claimed he was going to have the world think 'highly' of America again. Will this joke help?

For someone who spoke of equality as a creed. Does this joke match that philosophy?

For someone that said he would stand for all people. Does this stand up for those that participate in the special

The fact is Obama claimed a higher standard. To much is given, much is required.

Obama has just showed us that 'yes we can' destroy what a campaign stands for with a single joke.

During the campaign for the White House in 2008, the media criticized Palin for being ‘common,’ 'not-polished,' 'not-compassionate' and ‘not presidential.’ However, compare Sarah Palins attitude in this video created three weeks ago for the Special Olympics in Boise, Idaho.

You decide the more ‘presidential’ among them:

Allana Martian said...

"Do you know what the difference between a hockey mom and a special olympics mom is? Nothing!" ~ Sarah Palin

Love that quote! My hat is off to you, Lauri! Mother's of children with disabilities are the strongest women on earth!