Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Amanda's Mishap

Well, we thought we were safe because Amanda is usually the aggressive one on the basketball court. But alas, she was pushed from behind when making a lay up at the state Special Olympics championship and got a really bad sprain on her ankle last Saturday. Because of her balance issues, the ER did not send her home with crutches or even a boot, just an aircast. After 2 days of not being able to put weight on her foot, or control the swelling, we took her to her orthopaedic MD at Children's Hospital in Boston. He re-xayed her foot (he was very suprised at how swollen it still was), and decided that even though it was a sprain, he would put a cast on it for 3 weeks. She now has a walker and a wheelchair for school. Everyone was quite impressed with her pedicure--- trust me when I tell you it's really the only girly thing we do. But the pedicure has flowers that match the flourescent pink she chose for her cast.


Al & Judy Melton said...

Wow, Amanda, your cast is a cool color and your toes look great with it.

Jennifer McGregor said...

Toes are adorable! and the Orthopedic nurse in me must comment on the FANTASTIC cast! That's a good one! Hope you are feeling better, Amanda!

Tracy said...

Great toes! And great choice of cast color ... it is one of Torrey's "signature" colors! Love you!