There were a total of 8 grizzly bears. Some were taken out of the wild because they had become
too aggressive trying to steal garbage and pet food. And most were orphaned when they were around 6 months old. They would have kids go into their empty habitat and place food under rocks, in the water, in trees, etc. so that they could similate them having to find it in the wild. Then after the kids had hidden the food, they'd let different combinations of the bears out at different times. The bears had different playmates each time they went out. Many of them looked darker colored. Apparently, grizzly bears aren't always brown colored and black bears aren't always black colored. You can tell them apart by the hump on their back, their claws, and by the way they walk. We really enjoyed watching them play and rummage for food.
I have to say that the little town of West Yellowstone, Montana is all touristy shops and food places. The Grizzly Discovery Center was great, and I hear they have a good IMAX of Yellowstone. But we're anxious to be on our way to Utah. Tommorrow is a driving day.
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