Wednesday, September 23, 2009

My daughter got me GOOD

Ok, so its 9 p.m, I'm really tired from watching the Red Sox lose to Kansas City 2 nights in a row, and I have a splitting headache. So I thought, well, I'll go to bed early. I went in my bedroom, turned on the light, and I saw someone laying in my bed. I could have sworn the person was breathing. I slammed the door shut and called Tim in only to find out that my daughter took the manikin they use at the Windham Animal Hospital for the carriage they have out front, and placed it in my bed while I wasn't around. I thought it was my neighbor Eileen. She doesn't have any issues that I know about but I wondered if she had dementia that I didn't know about and forgot which house was hers sort of like Walter used to. This is what the manikin looks like.... Freaked me out! Kristin reports that someone put it in her car tonight.


Tracy said...

Does he have a name? Remember how Jen was scared of Willie? Personally I think Mom kept him around to keep Jen out of their room!

Steve said...

Oh Kristin, you have made me so very proud of you!!!!

Al & Judy Melton said...

How appropriate... Laurie has a "Weak Willy" ... aka "Mommy's Man!"

Al & Judy Melton said...

Who is this Kristin living in your house?

Al & Judy Melton said...

Hilarious! Way to go Kristin!

Jennifer McGregor said...

Very funny. and there's nothing wrong with being afraid of Mommy's Man. Those blow up hands were creepy. Also, you find someone in your bed and automatically think your neighbors must have an issue you don't know about? I'd be thinking "stranger".... just saying. Kristin ROCKS!

Laurie said...

Well, since my former neighbor Walter used to walk into my bedroom when the door was closed, and was found in another neighbors house drinking his booze in the bathroom, I didn't hink it was weird for me to think it was my next door neighbor who has white hair and a taller build. She thought it was hilarious when Tim told her.