Saturday, September 5, 2009


Well, everyone is catching up on their blogs and even my daughter Kristin is now blogging. So I suppose I should catch up. My sister Tracy reminded me that each day is a gift... which is why I started this blog. I don't like to blog when things aren't so up-beat. Lately, I have been overwhelmed by those who are hurting around me. I've had friends who lost a jobs in July; and the place they worked didn't pay into the unemployment system so they have no job, no money, no insurance, and no unemployment to fall back on. I've had friends whose grown up children are suffering with health issues, spiritual issues, and whose marriages have fallen apart. My heart grieves for them and for their parents who tried their best to raise them to love and serve God. It feels like everyone around me is getting divorced right now.

I also started back to school last week and was very discouraged because I didn't get something I ordered even though it was in my budget (we're being micro-managed). Hopefully, the fire department will get me the AED trainer I need soon. By 8 a.m. on the first day of school, someone had opened the AED cabinet (I might add, we found out it was an accident and that her backpack got caught) and 3 policeman, and 6 fireman, and an ambulance came. Glad to know it works??!!!! School has been stressful with the H1N1 preparations and trainings, care plans on at least 25 kids with peanut allergies, bee sting allergies, diabetes, muscular dystrophy, seizures, and diabetes. I also have a kid with an implanted defibrillator that went off 3 times last year while he was playing forbidden sports with a town team. So I learned all about those and what not to allow, etc. And, my coworker nurse adopted a baby from Korea and she will be out for 3 months. I love the sub nurse who regularly subs for me. She is in her 60's and we all call her Rachet. She was with me yesterday as we watched a big female louse scramble around someones head. YUCK! So welcome back to school. Many think that school nursing is easy. If you spent a day with me and dealt with the issues I see, you would find it is a very hard job! I believe I have saved more lives as a school nurse than in a hospital. BUT, I'm thankful I have a job.

I'm thankful for the long weekend but will spend it getting ready for our annual lobster fest/barbeque. We have 40 coming over for 2 p.m. on Monday. We invited neighbors, close friends, and some of Tim's work colleagues. Many don't know the Lord. It will be a little more uncomfortable because its not just my closest friends, but I think it is good to do this. Why do I have to live in my comfort zone anyway?

I love September because the weather is beautiful, the apples are coming (YUM, Honey Crisp... not for making pie Tracy), and there is nothing better than the first day of school when all of the students return. I looked at one boy and've grown 5 inches this summer. He had a physical yesterday and his mother came in laughing and said "you nailed it right on the head...he grew 5 inches". Please pray for my students and me as I work with them. Many are hurting so much right now. In class this week, one teacher asked a boy why he moved from a different town. His answer in front of the whole class was "Because my mother is sleeping around". Very sad. I have quite a few of the Calvary kids this year as well. Please pray for them as they adjust.

Last, I got in a car accident several weeks ago and am having to deal with the insurance company. I've never done this before (are you surprised?) so its a new experience for me. I was rear-ended at a stop light and the person totaled his car. I started to have neck and especially muscle issues within a couple of days so I'm seeing a chiropractor and getting massages. ( I know I shouldn't complain... but when you are in pain it hurts!) After seeing one of my teachers out of work after getting rear-ended, and realizing that she really has a serious brain injury from it, I'm thankful it wasn't worse. I'm also thankful for my husband who in his protective ways will not let me drive anything but a tank (which had less than $2000 damage). Thanks Steve for your wise counsel yesterday. I'm thankful for your new job, and for your old expertise in the field of collision work.

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